ZooM Palace : Entrance Hall

ZooM Palace

Entrance Hall

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 Informations 2004/06/15 

Story Room <Update : 2016/08/04 Posted +1>

Japanese Text Only. "Story Room" provide erotic love stories of Humans and Animals. There are 28 titles, now.

Square of Rumor <Anytime>

Japanese Text Only. "Square of Rumor" is a BBS. Please use for rumor, information exchange, etc.

Watch Tower <Update : 2012/12/25 Wanted +1>

Japanese Text Only. "Watch Tower" is lists of Japanese publications about erotic stories of Humans and Animals.

Zooling Link <Update : 2012/12/25 In Japan -1>

Japanese Text Only. "Zooling Link" is a list of pathway to Web-Sites which love amation of Humans-Beasts.

Delusion Storage <Update : 2010/12/24>

Japanese Text Only. They are miscellaneous notes of site management, etc. Please read with the intention of killing time.